Insights from WizardLM-2-8x22B
Amidst a flurry of evaluation activity, spearheaded primarily by Lewis Tunstall, fresh insights emerge from the assessment of WizardLM-2-8x22B, just before its temporary removal—fingers crossed for its swift return! 🤞🏻 Despite boasting superior performance to Zephyr 141B on MT Bench, WizardLM faces unexpected setbacks on other critical benchmarks like IFEval & BBH, sparking intrigue and prompting further investigation. 🧐 As the community eagerly awaits the model's reinstatement for additional testing, there's an invitation to explore Zephyr 141B, a robust model based on Mixtral 8x22B architecture, offering enthusiasts a chance to delve into cutting-edge natural language processing capabilities in the interim. Stay tuned for more updates as the quest for understanding and harnessing the power of advanced language models continues.